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We provide top-tier dental and public health education, career development, and research immersion and communication opportunities, especially in underserved communities. Our digital-first approach and evidence-based practices ensure excellent training and resources. Join us to develop your skills, participate in meaningful research, and contribute to holistic community health.

Learn more and become part of our mission at Orapuh, Inc.

Orapuh, Inc. is an international, non-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing oral and public health in resource-limited settings. Orapuh focuses on providing information, education, and research to underserved communities. Its mission is to develop oral and public health manpower, services, and consumer products by increasing access to information, learning, and innovation.

The organisation operates globally, leveraging the expertise of professionals from universities, hospitals, and research institutions across Africa, Europe, North America, and Asia. Orapuh emphasises evidence-based practices and open science to ensure equitable access to health information.

Orapuh’s work is structured around three main goals:

  1. Information: Increasing public awareness and providing accurate information on oral and public health issues.
  2. Education: Offering educational programs and training to enhance the proficiency of healthcare workers and promote hygiene practices.
  3. Research: Conducting studies and supporting innovative projects to address health disparities and improve healthcare practices.

The organisation comprises various entities, including Orapuh School, Orapuh Journal, Orapuh Literature Reviews, Orapuh Store, Orapuh Protocols, Orapuh Academic Repository, Orapuh College of Scholars, The Orapuh Community, Orapuh Blog & News, and Orapuh Press, each contributing to its mission through specialised activities.

Orapuh also hosts numerous events regularly, such as webinars, clinical meetings, conferences, and symposia, to foster dialogue and advance knowledge in the field of oral and public health​.