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This is Africa’s Premier Online & ODL Research-Intensive Dental & Public Health School.

At Orapuh School, we are on a mission to empower underserved communities with life-changing access to top-notch healthcare education.

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Click here to read about ‘the business of healthcare’

  • The school is a crucible of pragmatic managerial and capitalist dental and public health entrepreneurship

  • Our training confers great in-demand 21st century career and business capabilities.

Read about the advantages of enroling now

Step into the world of Orapuh School, where our dynamic MSc- and MBA-level courses aren’t just about acquiring knowledge – they’re about igniting your passion for human health careers or entrepreneurial endeavors.

Whether you’re poised to kickstart your journey or aiming to elevate your existing path, Orapuh School is here to expand your educational horizons and empower your future success.

Life at Orapuh

Welcome to the vibrant campus of Orapuh, nestled in the heart of global health innovation! As you step into this dynamic environment, you’ll discover a world dedicated to oral and public health, buzzing with learning, research, and community engagement. Learn more

The beauty of the Orapuh nondegree education

The Orapuh nondegree education offers a dynamic pathway for personal and professional growth in the dental and public health disciplines, unconstrained by traditional academic structures. It champions a flexible learning environment, allowing individuals to tailor their educational journey to their specific interests and goals.

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Select a programme to run


Certificate in Dental Facility Management

Designed to facilitate a specialised education of learners in the astute dental facility management techniques so they can lead a dental resource management revolution that would improve access to, and utilisation of, dental services, especially in resource-limited contexts.

There are 3 areas of specialisation in this programme.

View CDFM Catalogue   


Mini-Master of Public Health

Designed for persons who intend to acquire skills that are necessary for the basic public health understanding or practice to catalyse entities that may help curb health problems for individuals and populations.

There are 5 areas of specialisation in this programme.

View mMPH Catalogue


Mini-Master of Dental Public Health 

Designed to teach the skills that are necessary for the basic dental public health understanding or practice and to prepare learners to become dental public health scientists/practitioners in resource-limited contexts.

There are 3 areas of specialisation in this programme.

View mMDPH Catalogue 


Diploma in Tropical Dentistry and Oral Health 

Designed for Dental Health Care Professionals (DHCP) who desire to acquire the knowledge and skills that are necessary for effective dental and oral health practice in tropical and subtropical contexts.

There are 3 areas of specialisation in this programme.

View DTDOH Catalogue


Diploma in Clinical Global Health 

Designed for doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals who desire to acquire the knowledge and skills that are necessary for effective medical or health practice in the resource-limited settings of the world.

There are 3 areas of specialisation in this programme.

View DCGH Catalogue


Mini-Master of Business Administration

Designed for individuals seeking to acquire essential business administration skills specifically tailored for healthcare practice management. It aims to equip participants with the knowledge necessary to enhance excellence and quality care, ultimately supporting favourable patient outcomes.

There are 2 areas of specialisation in this programme

View mMBA Catalogue


Certificate in Caregiving

Designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and competencies required to provide high-quality care to individuals in various settings. The programme is intensive and combines theoretical learning with practical experience, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for a career in caregiving.

View CCG Catalogue


Business Incubation Programme

Designed for persons who intend to begin or boost their dental or public health business or help others to do so.

View BIP Catalogue


Career Incubation Programme

Designed for persons who intend to accelerate or diversify their dental or public health careers or help others to do so.

View CIP Catalogue


Advanced Word Processing 

Designed to help learners learn how to effectively process words and improve their typing skills.

View AWP Catalogue


Financial Intelligence

Designed to help everyone improve their personal and business finances to respond to economic and business realities.

View FI Catalogue


Public Speaking and Engagement

Designed to equip participants with the skills and confidence necessary for effective public engagement and impactful speaking. It combines theory, practical exercises, and real-world applications to ensure comprehensive learning and development.

View PSE Catalogue


Health Literacy 

Designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed health decisions. 

View HL Catalogue


Designed to equip learners with effective study skills, helping them to enhance their academic performance and manage their time efficiently.

View MSS Catalogue

Our commitment

We strive to provide underserved communities with access to quality healthcare by imparting rare in-demand knowledge and skills to our learners. With our flipped classroom model of instruction, regular webinars, clinical meetings, and symposia, and excellent faculty and student support system, you’ll have everything you need to succeed in your studies and beyond.

Together, apart

At our school, we learn together, apart! This is the future of education and entrepreneurial oral and public health education, and we’re proud to be a part of it. 

We offer flexible study options that fit into everyone’s schedule, as well as exciting field experiences and real-time engagement opportunities.

Why choose Orapuh School?

If you’re looking for a school that offers rare curricular, a small class size, accessible faculty 24/7, and a life-long learning and career/business support system, then you’ve come to the right place. Plus, every student is on a 50% scholarship, making our programmes affordable and accessible to everyone.

How Orapuh students contribute to knowledge creation

Creating knowledge involves acquiring, processing, and applying information to gain a deeper understanding of a subject or to generate new insights. Here’s how Orapuh students contribute to knowledge creation …

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Graduates of Orapuh School testify to the quality of the school, quality of delivery, and enhancement of capabilities. Read what our graduates are saying here

Where to work with an Orapuh qualification

People with Orapuh short-duration, nondegree dental or public health qualifications can work in various settings, including …

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Important Links

Vision and Objectives of the School

Quality Assurance Policy & Teaching Philosophy of the School

Programmes available at the school

Fee Structure of the School

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 Alumni Association