Orapuh, Inc. is an international, independent oral & public health information, education, and research organization incorporated in The Republic of The Gambia (C10443).


Togive under-served populations swift access to astute information, education, and research in the under-served biases of the oral and public health disciplines.


We support the development of oral and public health manpower, services, and consumer products in resource-limited contexts by catalyzing aggravated access to information, research, learning, and innovation in the under-served disciplines of oral and public health.

General Plan

This strategic plan sets out a framework of priorities for Orapuh and its tribal entities for the referent period. A more detailed implementation plan is available at the registry.

  1. Enhance Accessibility and Outreach:
    • Objective: Establish regional centres in resource-limited contexts to provide direct access to information, education, and research.
    • KPI: Number of regional centres established and their reach within under-served populations.
  2. Empower Manpower Development:
    • Objective: Provide training programmes and resources to empower healthcare professionals in under-served regions with up-to-date knowledge and skills.
    • KPI: Number of healthcare professionals trained and feedback on the effectiveness of training programmes.
  3. Facilitate Service Development:
      • Objective: Support the development of oral and public health services in under-served areas through partnerships and capacity-building initiatives.
    • KPI: Number of partnerships established with local healthcare organisations and improvements in healthcare service provision.
  4. Promote Research and Innovation:
    • Objective: Foster a culture of research and innovation in under-served disciplines of oral and public health through grants, collaborations, and knowledge-sharing platforms.
    • KPI: Number of research projects initiated, publications produced, and innovations implemented in practice.
  5. Digital Transformation:
    • Objective: Leverage technology to enhance access to information, learning resources, and communication channels for under-served populations.
    • KPI: Increase in website/app traffic, engagement metrics, and user satisfaction ratings.
  6. Advocacy and Awareness:
    • Objective: Raise awareness among policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public about the importance of addressing under-served biases in oral and public health.
    • KPI: Number of advocacy campaigns launched, media coverage obtained, and policy changes influenced.
  7. Sustainability and Growth:
    • Objective: Diversify funding sources, strengthen organisational capacity, and ensure long-term sustainability and growth.
    • KPI: Growth in funding sources, revenue streams, and organisational capacity metrics (e.g., staff retention, organisational efficiency).
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Regularly monitor progress towards objectives and KPIs, evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and action plans, and make adjustments as needed.
  9. Risk Management:
    • Identify potential risks to the successful implementation of the strategic plan (e.g., funding shortages, political instability) and develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks.

Tribal Entities

1. Orapuh School (OrapSch):

  • Expand the range of oral and public health programmes and courses offered to cater to diverse learning needs.
  • Implement online learning platforms to increase accessibility and reach a wider audience.
  • Forge partnerships with educational and other institutions globally to enhance the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

2. Orapuh Journal (Orap. J.):

  • Enhance the quality and visibility of published research through rigorous peer review processes.
  • Increase the frequency of publications to ensure timely dissemination of cutting-edge research findings.
  • Collaborate with renowned scholars and institutions to attract high-impact research submissions.

3. Orapuh Literature Reviews (Orap. Lit. Rev.):

  • Continue to publish concise and informative literature reviews covering key topics in oral and public health.
  • Develop partnerships with libraries and academic institutions to ensure widespread access to the literature reviews.
  • Explore multimedia formats to make the reviews more engaging and accessible to a broader audience.

4. The Orapuh Community (TOC):

  • Strengthen communication channels between Orapuh and stakeholders in the oral and public health community.
  • Organise regular events and forums to facilitate networking and knowledge exchange among stakeholders.
  • Establish advisory boards comprising key opinion leaders to provide strategic guidance and feedback.

5. Orapuh College of Scholars (OCS):

  • Expand the range of postgraduate programmes and professional development opportunities offered.
  • Foster a vibrant academic community through mentorship programmes and collaborative research initiatives.
  • Provide financial support and scholarships to attract top-tier scholars and researchers.

6. Orapuh Academic Repository (Acad Orap Rep):

  • Curate a comprehensive collection of academic documents, including research articles, reports, and conference proceedings.
  • Implement advanced search and indexing features to enhance discoverability and usability.
  • Ensure long-term preservation and accessibility of archived materials through robust digital infrastructure.

7. Orapuh Press (OP):

  • Diversify the catalogue of academic oral and public health books published to address emerging topics and trends.
  • Explore digital publishing formats to complement traditional print editions and reach a broader audience.
  • Develop marketing strategies to promote Orapuh Press publications globally and increase sales revenue.

8. Orapuh Protocols (OraPro):

  • Publish comprehensive guidelines and protocols for conducting research and implementing public health interventions.
  • Establish a peer review process to ensure the accuracy and reliability of published protocols.
  • Collaborate with professional organisations and regulatory bodies to promote the adoption of Orapuh protocols.

9. Orapuh Store (OSt):

  • Expand the range of oral and public health merchandise available for purchase, including educational materials and health products.
  • Enhance the online shopping experience through user-friendly interfaces and secure payment options.
  • Donate a portion of sales proceeds to support Orapuh’s charitable initiatives in under-served communities.

10. Orapuh Blog & News (OBN):

  • Maintain an active and engaging blog covering current events, research highlights, and topical discussions in oral and public health.
  • Leverage social media platforms to promote blog content and increase audience engagement.
  • Encourage guest contributions from experts and thought leaders to diversify perspectives and foster dialogue.