Every student that is admitted into Orapuh School (École Orapuh) is on a 50%  scholarship on EF or SCF. Consequently, the information concerning fee issues at the school provided here is on the basis of this scholarship (these are the actual fees payable by the student after the scholarship has been applied):

Important information

There are only 2 fees payable by each Certificate or Diploma candidate. These fees are Admission Processing Fee (APF) and Enrolment Fee (EF). There are no hidden charges and there is no tuition fee.

1. Admission Processing Fee (APF) – paid only once before attempting to fill the application form. Evidence of APF payment will be required when applying for admission.

  • The Gambia: D600 (GMD)
  • Nigeria: N7,150 (NGN)
  • Other countries: $10 (USD

2. Enrolment Fee (EF) – This is a one-time fee that is paid only after receiving the provisional admission letter from registry.


The EF amount depends on your chosen plan.

There are three (3) plans in each programme in the Department of Basic Dental and Public Health Sciences (DBDPS) Regular Plan, Career Boost Plan, and Business Plan. The sumarised details of each plan are given in the image below (you should choose the plan that you intend to run during your application):

Notice that the enrolment fee differs with each plan:

CDFM, mMPH, or mMDPH Regular plan

  1. The Gambia: D15,560 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N251,145 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $250 (USD)

CDFM, mMPH, or mMDPH Career Boost plan and Business Plan

  1. The Gambia: D18,060 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N300,625 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $300 (USD)


The Department of Graduate Dental and Public Health Sciences (DBDPS) has no programme plans. It only has specialisations.


  1. The Gambia: D18,060 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N300,625 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $300 (USD)


  1. The Gambia: D30,060 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N500,625 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $500 (USD)


The Department of Remedial Studies (DRS) has 5 special programmes:

Career Incubation (CIP), Business Incubation (BIP), Advanced Word Processing (AWP), Financial Intelligence (FI), Public Speaking and Engagement (PSE), and Health Literacy (HL).

  1. The Gambia: D6,320 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N100,290 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $100 (USD)

EF Payment Plans

Click here to read the EF plans policy

  • Plan 1: pay all EF before resumption
  • Plan 2: pay 50% of EF before resumption and pay the rest 50% one month after the first payment. This plan also attracts an extra charge
  1. The Gambia: D62 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N1000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $1 (USD)
  • Plan 3: Pay 1/3rd of EF before resumption, pay another 1/3rd one month after resumption, and pay the last 1/3rd two months after resumption. This plan also attracts an extra charge
  1. The Gambia: D124 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N2,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $2 (USD)

*Each admitted student should endeavour to inform the Finance Unit (+220-288-6490 – WhatsApp; [email protected]) about  their chosen EF Payment plan.

**Failure of a student to keep to the specific requirements of their chosen EF payment plan results in the termination of all learning activities for the defaulting student.

Retake Fee (RF) for programmes

Each missed or failed summative activity attracts the sum of – 

  1. The Gambia: D720 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N12,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $12 (USD)

To avoid this fee, do not miss any of the summative activities (or fail to submit an assignment on the due date) and do not fail a summative assessment.

Programme Plan Change Fee

To change from a programme plan to another, an enroled student would need to apply to registry after paying the programme plan change fee – 

  1. The Gambia: D720 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N12,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $12 (USD)

Deferment Fee (DF) for programmes 

An admission may be deferred for reasons considered genuine by the Registry Team and approved by the Registrar. Deferment Fee –

  1. The Gambia: D1,440 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N24,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $24 (USD)

Short Course Fee (SCF)

General dental and public health Short Courses 

Each Short Course attracts a one-time SCF, which is given as follows:

1 week course

  1. The Gambia: D1,920 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N30,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $30 (USD)

2 weeks course

  1. The Gambia: D3,160 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N50,145 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $50 (USD)

Referral Discounts on EF

Referral discount for enrolled students

1 student – full installments

2 students – 5% less

3 students – 7% less

4 or more students – 10% less

Commission on student referrals by non-students

Get a voucher each time you refer a student to the school that enrols successfully. Coupons accumulated over a number of referrals would assist you to take a programme at the school when you have earned an amount that equals the EF. Voucher value –

  1. The Gambia: D600 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N10,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $10 (USD

Group enrolment discount on EF

A group of employees or students (not less than 10) may register as a cohort to study at the school. When this happens, a discount of 15% applies to the EF of each student.

Programme or course completion documents fees

The documents (Results and feedback, Transcript, and Certificate) are issued to students at the end of their training at no cost –

  1. The Gambia: D0.00 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N0.00 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $0.00 (USD

Replacing a single piece of a missing document attracts the sum of – 

  1. The Gambia: D720 (GMD)
  2. Nigeria: N12,000 (NGN)
  3. Other countries: $12 (USD)

To avoid this fee, please keep your documents safe.  

How to pay fees

Pay all fees here Get help: [email protected]

Refund Policy

Click here to read the school’s refund policy

1. All fees are receipted via email and non-refundable

2. A student who pays or applies for admission and fails to complete their enrolment by applying and/or paying the appropriate fee within the session loses right to the Admission and forfeits any money paid

3. Any student who abandons their study before it is consumated, forfeits any money paid and loses the relevant admission