This policy aims to prevent, detect, and address bribery and fraud within Orapuh, ensuring ethical conduct and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all members of the Orapuh community, including staff, students, volunteers, contractors, and partners.
3. Definitions
- Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence actions.
- Fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
4. Prohibited Conduct
- Bribery: No member of Orapuh shall offer or accept bribes in any form.
- Fraud: Any act of fraud, including falsifying documents, misappropriating funds, or any other deceptive practice, is strictly prohibited.
5. Responsibilities
- All Members: Report any suspected bribery or fraud immediately.
- Supervisors: Ensure team members understand and comply with this policy.
- Orapuh Redress and Disciplinary Committee (ORDC): Investigate all reported cases and enforce disciplinary measures.
6. Reporting Procedures
- Confidential Reporting: Reports can be made anonymously via the designated hotline or online portal.
- Protection: Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation.
7. Investigation
- Initial Assessment: ORDC will conduct a preliminary review of the report.
- Formal Investigation: If warranted, a formal investigation will be launched, involving relevant internal and external parties.
8. Disciplinary Actions
- Consequences: Disciplinary actions for those found guilty of bribery or fraud may include termination, legal action, and reporting to authorities.
- Appeals: Accused individuals have the right to appeal decisions through established procedures.
9. Training and Awareness
- Regular Training: All members of Orapuh must undergo regular training on bribery and fraud prevention.
- Resources: Access to guidelines and resources for identifying and preventing bribery and fraud.
10. Monitoring and Review
- Continuous Monitoring: Regular audits and monitoring to detect and prevent bribery and fraud.
- Policy Review: Annual review of the policy to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
By adhering to this policy, Orapuh commits to maintaining a culture of integrity and transparency, upholding the trust and confidence of its stakeholders.