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Dental Public Health at a Glance

 Author: Ivor G. Chestnutt  Category: Oral Health, Public Health  Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.  Published: 2024  ISBN: 9781118629376  Pages: 135  Country: United Kingdom  Language: English  File Size: 8.99 MB


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Orapuh is an international, independent oral and public health information, education, and research organisation registered in the Republic of The Gambia.

The name, Orapuh, derives from the portmanteau, Oral and Public Health (‘Ora’ from ‘oral’, ‘pu’ from ‘public’, and ‘h’ from ‘health’).


Welcome to the vibrant campus of Orapuh, nestled in the heart of global health innovation! As you step into this dynamic environment, you’ll discover a world dedicated to oral and public health, buzzing with learning, research, and community engagement. Learn more


Orapuh is governed by an international Oversight and Academic Board (OAB), whose members are derived from accomplished international scholars with many years of combined professional and academic experiences and research pedigree from the niche of the organization and some Key Executives, led by the President/Chief Academic Officer.

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Orapuh, Inc.

Orapuh is a strategic, quality, best-in-class education platform and resource centre specifically designed to offer information, education and other learning opportunities in the underserved biases of the oral and public health disciplines.

The name, ‘Orapuh’ derives from the niche of the Organization – Oral and Public Health.


UMTG, PMB 405, Serrekunda, The Gambia.

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    (220) 718 5516

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